Channel: Maintaining A Healthy Coat – Dog Grooming Tutorial

What is Hand Stripping a Dog’s Coat ?

According to Wikipedia, hand-stripping is the process of pulling the dead hair out of the coat of a non-shedding dog, either by using a stripping knife or the fingers. A hard, wiry coat has a cycle where it starts growing and then sheds as it reaches maximum length. Hand-stripping coordinates the shedding and makes room […]

Tips for Hand Stripping Your Dog at Home

Before getting into the hand stripping techniques, you have to make sure that your puppy is already introduced to the “Meet and Treat ” during the socialization period prior to fourteen weeks. The “Meet and Treat” should be arranged as early as possible for a puppy that’s going to need to be groomed on a regular […]

How to Remove the Undercoat Of a Dog at Home

Whatever stage the coat has reached within the growth cycle, it is the undercoat that dictates the amount of grooming a coat needs and how it is groomed. Until you have gained some experience, and have learnt to recognize the challenges that undercoats present, knowing what tools to use and where to start can appear […]

Tips on How to Remove Knots from a Dog’s Hair

Knots, tangles, mats and wadding are all terms that are used to describe a formation where some hairs have become intertwined and tightly locked to their neighbours. The severity of this problem can vary considerably, ranging from a tangle of a few hairs to a large knot involving large areas of coat. Although it may […]

Carding and Combing a Dog’s Coat During Grooming

Carding refers to a method of styling the coat by removing the undercoat with the aid of a stripping knife, a fine-toothed blade or a tool such as a Furminator . The idea is that the undercoat is either thinned out or removed, and it is in effect an alternative method of grooming out a […]

Demat or Shave Your Dog’s Coat?

There comes a time when a dog has matted hair and you need to make a decision: demat or shave the coat? This depends on the degree of matting. If the matting isn’t too severe, sometimes you can comb out the mats with a little work. If the matting is extensive or very tight, the […]

How to Deal With Double Coated Dogs

A double coat has a silkier topcoat made up of guard hairs and an undercoat that is thick and fuzzy and has little shine. Collie, Sheltie, Samoyed, Husky, Malamute, Chow Chow, Great Pyranees, Saint Bernard, Pomeranian, and Keeshond are just a few of the many double coated dogs. These coats are on many Nordic breeds […]

Dealing with Light and Heavy Shedding Dogs

Some dogs are known for being particularly heavy or light shedders. The difference is in the degree of difficulty of maintenance. Running a brush over a short-coated shedding breed and bathing her is easy, and most people do that at home. Bathing and stretch drying curly hair and trimming a Poodle requires more skill, tools, […]

Which Shampoo to Choose for Your Dog

Choosing which shampoo to use depends on how often you plan to bathe your dog. If you are bathing the dog often—once a week or more—then a mild shampoo would be best. Your decision when shopping for dog shampoos should also depend on what condition the skin and coat of your pet are in at […]

When to Use a Medicated Shampoo on Dogs

Medicated shampoos cover a lot of area. There are many different skin problems that not just any medicated shampoo will help correct. Medicated shampoos should have a label indicating its use on different skin conditions. Seborrhea is the medical term for oily skin. If the label says for seborrhea, and your dog has oily skin, […]

Is it Safe to Use Flea and Tick Shampoo on Dogs

Flea and tick shampoos often have pyrethrin in them, which is an insecticide derivative from the chrysanthemum, and are effective for killing insects. Pyrethrin by itself usually won’t kill fleas and ticks, but will temporarily incapacitate them. Pyrethrin is usually used in combination with some other chemical; however, when using any pesticide you need to […]

The Purpose of Using Conditioner on Dogs

Many people do not use conditioner on their dogs, and some of that stems from a lack of understanding of the purpose of conditioner. When you wash hair, the dirt and oils are lifted from the hair shaft and the hair dries out, leaving the scales on the hair shaft lifted up and away. This […]

Tips for Grooming a Puppy Coat

Here’s a few tips on how to handle a puppy coat when it comes to grooming. Puppies go through many developmental changes within the first year of their lives, including the change from a puppy coat to an adult coat. In both males and females, the coat changes somewhere between the ages of nine and […]

How to Develop Correct Scissoring Technique on Your Dog

Here are some suggestions to help you produce a smooth and balanced scissors finish on your dog in the least amount of time and without wasted motion. Certain hand and wrist movements may increase your chances of developing repetitive motion problems such as tendonitis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This is nothing to worry about if […]

Stripping and Hand Plucking a Dog’s Coat

The art of hand plucking and stripping is effective and can produce a lovely finish on a dog’s coat if you have taken the time to master the techniques, but it is time consuming in the early stages of your learning. This is a process that removes a percentage of the dog’s topcoat or guard […]

Difference Between Plucking or Stripping a Dog

Many people ask; what’s the difference between plucking or stripping your dog’s coat? Whilst the terms plucking and stripping are often used interchangeably, a distinction can be made inasmuch as stripping is achieved with the aid of a tool known as stripping knife, whereas plucking is achieved by extracting the hair with the fingers. You […]

Options for Stripping and Plucking the Coat

There are two options for stripping and plucking the coat. You can either perform a full strip, which involves straight removal of the entire dead top coat, or you can “roll” the coat. The former, as the name suggests, extracts all of the coat that is ready for removal, leaving just the undercoat and any […]

On What Dogs to Use Carding and Why


Carding mostly can be used on dogs with smooth coats or short, thick coats. If your dog sheds a lot year-round, carding is the best thing to do. On Terriers and Spaniels it’s essential to card out the undercoat to keep the hair follicles more open and prevent skin problems. Each hair follicle on a ... Read more

The post On What Dogs to Use Carding and Why appeared first on Dog Grooming Tutorial.

Show Groom or Breed Trim for Your Dog?

Breeds with Long Hair. Pros and Cons


Sometimes breeds with long hair might just not fit in with your lifestyle. If you hunt with your English Setter, you may not want all the excess furnishings on the body and legs because they will gather leaves and debris, but you may want that flag on the tail so you can see your dog ... Read more

The post Breeds with Long Hair. Pros and Cons appeared first on Dog Grooming Tutorial.

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